Source code for qnetvo.cost.negativity
import pennylane as qml
from pennylane import math
import numpy as np
from ..qnodes import density_matrix_qnode
from ..utilities import partial_transpose
def negativity_cost_fn(network_ansatz, m, n, wires, qnode_kwargs={}):
"""Constructs an ansatz-specific negativity cost function.
Negativity can be used to identify if two subsystems :math:`A` and :math:`B` are
entangled, through the PPT criterion. Negativity is an upper bound for distillable entanglement.
This entanglement measure is expressed as
.. math::
\\mathcal{N}(\\rho) = |\\sum_{\\lambda_i < 0}\\lambda_i|,
where :math:`\\rho^{\\Gamma_B}` is the partial transpose of the joint state with respect to
the :math:`B` party, and :math:`\\lambda_i` are all of the eigenvalues of :math:`\\rho^{\\Gamma_B}`.
For more information on negativity and its applications in quantum information theory,
(see `Vidal and Werner, 2001 <>`_).
:param ansatz: The ansatz circuit on which the negativity is evaluated.
:type ansatz: NetworkAnsatz
:param m: The size of the :math:`A` subsystem.
:type m: int
:param n: The size of the :math:`B` subsystem.
:type n: int
:param wires: The wires which define the joint state.
:type wires: list[int]
:param qnode_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the execute qnodes.
:type qnode_kwargs: dictionary
:returns: A cost function ``negativity_cost(*network_settings)`` parameterized by
the ansatz-specific scenario settings.
:rtype: Function
:raises ValueError: If the sum of the sizes of the two subsystems (``m + n``) does not match the length of ``wires``.
if len(wires) != m + n:
raise ValueError(f"Sum of sizes of two subsystems should be {len(wires)}; got {m+n}.")
density_qnode = density_matrix_qnode(network_ansatz, wires, **qnode_kwargs)
def negativity_cost(*network_settings):
dm = density_qnode(network_settings)
dm_pt = partial_transpose(dm, 2**m, 2**n)
eigenvalues = math.eigvalsh(dm_pt)
negativity = np.sum(np.abs(eigenvalues[eigenvalues < 0]))
return -negativity
return negativity_cost