
We welcome outside contributions to qNetVO. For small changes, please fork the repository and make a pull request containing you change. For large contributions, please contact the corresponding author at .

All contributed code must have passing tests, comprehensive documentation, and proper code formatting. Development instructions are found below.

Development Environment#

For convenience and reproducibility, contributors should use the qnetvo-dev conda environment. The Anaconda distribution of Python ensures a consistent development environment. Follow the Anaconda installation instructions to set up the conda command line tool for your operating system. The conda tool creates the dev environment from the environment.yml file. For more details on how to use conda see the managing environments page in the conda documentation.

To create the dev environment, navigate to the root directory of the qNetVO repository and follow these steps.

  1. Create the qnetvo-dev conda environment:

(base) $ conda env create -f environment.yml
  1. Activate the qnetvo-dev conda environment:

(base) $ conda activate qnetvo-dev
  1. Install the local qnetvo package in editable mode:

(qnetvo-dev) $ pip install -e .

At this point, all packages for running tests, building docs, and running notebooks are installed. Changes to the local ./src/qnetvo codebase will be reflected when import qnetvo is called in Python code.

Running Tests#

Tests are found in the ./test directory and run using pytest First, set up the Development Environment. Then, from the root directory, run:

(qnetvo-dev) $ pytest

Running Demos#

Demos are found in the ./demos directory and implemented in Jupyter notebooks. To run the demos locally, first set up the Development Environment, then run:

(qnetvo-dev) $  jupyter-notebook

A Jupyter notebook server will launch in your browser allowing you to run the notebooks.

Building Documentation#

It is important to view the documentation before committing changes. To locally build and view the documentation, first set up the Development Environment. Then, follow these steps.

  1. Build Documentation: From the root directory run:

(qnetvo-dev) $ sphinx-build -b html docs/source/ docs/build/html
  1. Serve Documentation: Navigate to the ./docs/build/html directory and run:

(qnetvo-dev) $ python -m http.server --bind localhost
  1. View Documentation: Copy and paste the returned IP address to your browser.

Formatting Code#

All code in this project is autoformatted using black. First, set up the Development Environment. Then, from the root directory, run:

(qnetvo-dev) $ black -l 100 src test docs

Semantic Versioning#

This project uses semantic versioning to manage releases and maintain consistent software.

Packaging and Releases#

This project is packaged using PyPI, the Python Package Index. Please refer to this tutorial for details on releasing a new version.