BellScenario.jl - Strategies


An AbstractStrategy is an abstract type parent to all strategy matrices. A black-box device is characterized by its conditional probabilities which can be organized into a strategy matrix or column-stochastic map $S : \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{Y}$. The strategy matrix $S$ is constructed as follows,

\[S = \sum_{x,y} P(y|x) |y\rangle\langle x|\]

where the elements of a strategy matrix must be non-negative and normalized:

  • $P(y|x) \geq 0$
  • $\sum_y P(y|x) = 1$

Since strategies are just stochastic matrices, the product of two strategies yields a new strategy, e.g. $S_A*S_B = S_C$.

*(S1::AbstractStrategy, S2::AbstractStrategy) :: Strategy

When multiplied together, two strategies may represent a new Scenario, hence, a the multiplication operator can also be passed a Scenario.

*(S1::AbstractStrategy, S2::AbstractStrategy, scenario::Scenario) :: Strategy
Strategy(conditionals :: Matrix{<:Real}; atol::Float64 = 1e-7) <: AbstractMatrix{Float64}

Strategy(conditionals :: Conditionals; atol::Float64 = 1e-7) <: AbstractMatrix{Float64}

The conditionals parameter is a column stochastic matrix. The conditionals can either be accepted in a raw Matrix{<:Real} format or as a Conditionals type from QBase.jl. The atol parameter expresses the absolute tolerance for numerical error in the constraints of conditional probablities. By default, the constructor creates a strategy for a 'BlackBox' scenario. However, a Scenario can be passed to the Strategy constructor.

Strategy(conditionals :: Matrix{<:Real}, scenario :: Scenario, atol::Float64=1e-7)


A DomainError is thrown if:

  • The provided Scenario does not match the expected dimension of the conditionals matrix.
  • The conditionals matrix is not a valid stochastic matrix, e.g. non-negative and normalized.
strategy_dims( scenario :: Scenario ) :: Tuple{Int64, Int64}

Returns the dimensions of the Conditionals matrix describing a Strategy for the Scenario at hand. Each Scenario, can place unique constraints on the matrix dimensions, therfore, separate methods are called for each concrete Scenario.

    num_inputs :: Int64,
    num_outputs :: Int64;
) :: Strategy

Constructs a randomized Strategy matrix. Zeros are inserted into the strategy to ensure that it does not closely resemble a uniform distribution.


Deterministic Strategies

DeterministicStrategy(conditionals :: Matrix{Int64}) <: AbstractStrategy{Int64}

A strategy matrix describing the behavior of a deterministic black-box. A strategy deterministic if its elements satisfy $P(y|x)\in\{0,1\}$ in addition to the non-negativity and normalization constraints. By default, the constructor creates a strategy for a 'BlackBox' scenario, however, a Scenario can be passed to the DeterministicStrategy constructor.

DeterministicStrategy(conditionals :: Matrix{Int}, scenario :: Scenario)

The product of two deterministic strategies is a DeterministicStrategy.

*(S1::DeterministicStrategy, S2::DeterministicStrategy) :: DeterministicStrategy

When multiplied a new Scenario can be specified.

) :: Deterministic Strategy


A DomainError is thrown if:

  • The provided Scenario does not match the dimension of the conditionals matrix.
  • The elements of conditionals are not 0 or 1.
  • The strategy elements are not non-negative and normalized.
is_deterministic( strategy :: AbstractMatrix  ) :: Bool

Returns true if all elements of strategy are either 0 or 1 and the matrix is a valid conditional probability distribution.

deterministic_strategies(scenario :: BlackBox) :: Vector{Matrix{Int64}}

deterministic_strategies(num_out :: Int64, num_in :: Int64) :: Vector{Matrix{Int64}}

Enumerates the set of deterministic strategies for the specified BlackBox. For performance, enumerated deterministic strategies are left as matrices and not constructed into DeterministicStrategy types.


Quantum Strategies


Constructs a strategy matrix given quantum states and measurements. The supported scenarios include:

BlackBox scenarios:

    Π :: AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix},
    ρ_states :: Vector{<:State};
) :: Strategy

For a quantum system the conditional proabilities are constructed as

\[ P(y|x) = \text{Tr}[\Pi_y\rho_x].\]


LocalSignaling scenarios:

    Π :: AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix},
    ρ_states :: Vector{<:AbstractMatrix},
    scenario :: LocalSignaling;
) :: Strategy

For quantum systems the conditional probabilities are construct as

\[ P(y|x) = \text{Tr}[\Pi_y\rho_x].\]

A DomainError is thrown if the provided states and measurements are not compatible with the specified scenario.


BipartiteNonSignaling scenarios:

        ρ_AB :: AbstractMatrix,
        Π_Ax :: Vector{<:AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix}},
        Π_By :: Vector{<:AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix}},
        scenario :: BipartiteNonSignaling;
        atol::Float64 = 1e-7

Constructs a strategy matrix in the generalized representation for the quantum system with conditional probabilities.

\[ P(ab|xy) = \text{Tr}[(\Pi_a^x\otimes\Pi_b^y)\rho_{AB}]\]

A DomainError is thrown if

  • The length of each POVM does not match the scenarios number of outputs
  • The number of each party's POVMS doesn't match the the number of inputs.


The conditional probabilities of a Bell scenario can be represented by data structures other than a Strategy matrix. Most notably, the conditional probabilities can be organized into a vector referred to as a behavior in the literature. A behavior is a column-major vectorization of a strategy matrix e.g. S[:]. The dimension of the behavior vector (or strategy matrix) can be reduced to an equivalent subspace by using the normalization and non-signaling constraints to removed redundant parameters of the conditional probability distribution.

Subspaces used within BellScenario.jl include:

  • "generalized" - All conditional probabilities $P(y|x)$ for the Bell scenario are present.
  • "normalized" - The normalization constraint on each column is used to remove the last row of the strategy matrix.
  • "non-signaling" - The non-signaling constraints are applied to reduce the "normalized" subspace further.

Conversion Methods

Strategy matrices and behavior vectors are isomorphic representations. Therefore, a behavior can be converted into a strategy and vice versa.

Currently, behaviors are loosely represented by Vector{Int64} and Vector{Float64} types and a rep argument is used to specify the subspace. This may change in future updates of BellScenario.jl.


Vertex (Vector{Int64}) -> DeterministicStrategy

    vertex  :: Vector{Int64},
    scenario :: Scenario;
    rep = "normalized" :: String
    S :: Type{<:AbstractStrategy}, vertex::Vector{<:Real}, scenario::BipartiteNonSignaling;
    rep="non-signaling" :: String

Transforms a behavior vector or vertex in to either a Strategy or DeterministicStrategy. If converting into a DeterministicStrategy, the vertex must contain Int64 values. Valid representations are "non-signaling", "normalized", and "generalized".


DeterministicStrategy -> Vertex (Vector{Int64})

    strategy :: DeterministicStrategy;
    rep = "normalized" :: String